Titel: "Activity Matters was great - I now realize: If I move, I'm fitter.": development and process evaluation of a web-based program for persons with multiple sclerosis
Sprache: Englisch
Autor*in: Daniel, Nina
Schlagwörter: Multiple sclerosis; Physical activity; eHealth program; Feasibility testing; Pilot study
GND-Schlagwörter: Multiple SkleroseGND
Körperliche AktivitätGND
Erscheinungsdatum: 2024
Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 2024-07-11
Research shows that persons with mild to moderate multiple sclerosis are less physically active than healthy controls even though they would benefit from it. This study focusses on the feasibility testing and process evaluation of the pilot study of Activity Matters, a twelve-week web-based program, from Ireland, to increase physical activity in this population.
The intervention was adapted to local circumstances in Hamburg, Germany, and consists of eleven modules incorporating behavior change techniques. After feasibility had been confirmed, 43 persons with multiple sclerosis participated in a pilot study with a pre-post, single-group intervention design. Qualitative data was collected with questionnaires and semi structured interviews. Physical activity level and stage of change was measured quantitatively.
Participants had a mean age of 49.5 years (SD 9.29) and an average Patient Determined Disease Step Score of 2.2 (SD 1.47). Thirty-six participants answered the follow-up questionnaire. On average 9.8 modules were processed within 13 weeks. Each tool for behavior change was perceived as helpful except the chat group. Physical activity levels increased significantly from pre- to post intervention (p-value 0.042, Cohen’s d = 0.35).
The results indicate that Activity Matters is feasible and satisfactory and may change activity levels.
URL: https://ediss.sub.uni-hamburg.de/handle/ediss/11080
URN: urn:nbn:de:gbv:18-ediss-119919
Dokumenttyp: Dissertation
Betreuer*in: Heesen, Christoph
Riemann-Lorenz, Karin
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Elektronische Dissertationen und Habilitationen

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