Elektronische Dissertationen und Habilitationen
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 1 to 20 of 11082
Studying the Linguistic Ecology of Turkey: A Comparison of University and Post-secondary Vocational School Students2022Öztürk, ÖzgeFulltext availableOpen Access
Einfluss der TLR4-Rezeptor-Aktivität auf die Shiga-Toxin 2 vermittelte NETose in vitro und in vivo2024Haase, Lisa-MarieFulltext availableOpen Access
Efficacy and safety of ivermectin for the treatment of Plasmodium falciparum infections in asymptomatic male and female Gabonese adults2024Ekoka Mbassi, DorotheaFulltext availableOpen Access
Spatial Economics - Urban Landscapes, International Trade, and Tools of ExplorationOkt-2024Düben, ChristianFulltext available
Grad der Rekontamination aufbereiteter Medizinprodukte durch mikrobielle Belastungen in Steckbeckenspülen2024Uthoff, LutzFulltext availableOpen Access
Metal-Semiconductor Nanohybrids for Solar-to-Fuel Conversion: A Systematic Study on the Processes Limiting the Photocatalytic YieldOkt-2024Wengler-Rust, SönkeFulltext availableOpen Access
Early onset Sepsis - Vergleich Symptom- versus Laborwert-basiertes Infektionsscreening beim reifen Neugeborenen2024Ahmann, Marie-ThereseFulltext availableOpen Access
Entwicklung, Implementierung und Auswirkungen einer interprofessionellen Schulungsinitiative für die pädiatrische Beatmung auf zwei Intensivstationen2024Mehrzai, PazunFulltext availableOpen Access
Analysis of the molecular and physiological influence of WNT1 on the skeleton27-Jan-2025Zhao, WenboFulltext availableOpen Access
Controls of greenhouse gases production and soil nutrients dynamics in the Lena River Delta, Northeastern Siberia2024Galera, Leonardo de AroFulltext availableOpen Access
Metagenomic and Metatranscriptomic Insights into Wetland Plant-Microbe Interactions and Dark CO2 Fixation2024Grüterich, Clara LuiseFulltext available
Bornological Algebras in Exotic Derived Categories and Condensed Mathematics2024Stempfhuber, ThomasFulltext availableOpen Access
Isolation of bile-derived extracellular vesicles using size exclusion chromatography in patients with biliary diseases2024Kirstein, SophiaFulltext availableOpen Access
The ADAM10-mediated shedding of the prion protein in humans and other mammals: characterization of cleavage site-specific antibodies2024Song, FeizhiFulltext availableOpen Access
Multimodal Social Cue Integration for Attention Modeling and Robot Gaze Control2024Abawi, FaresFulltext availableOpen Access
Forest Vulnerability and Carbon Sequestration in a Changing Climate2024Martes, Leam MykelFulltext availableOpen Access
Untersuchung der Astrozytenaktivierung in einem in vitro-Modell für Hirntrauma2024Bongarts, LisanneFulltext available
Charakterisierung der Rosazea in der Allgemeinbevölkerung hinsichtlich Lebensstilfaktoren2024Rößiger, SwantjeFulltext availableOpen Access
Analyse der endoskopischen Vakuumtherapie und nachfolgender Spülkathetertherapie zur Behandlung der Anastomoseninsuffizienzen in der kolorektalen Chirurgie2024Seeger, AnjaFulltext availableOpen Access
Optimizing a Transition Edge Sensor detector system for low flux infrared photon measurements at the ALPS II experiment2024Rubiera Gimeno, José AlejandroFulltext availableOpen Access
Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 1 to 20 of 11082