Elektronische Dissertationen und Habilitationen
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 1581 to 1600 of 10689
Automation of NLO QCD Corrections and the Application to N-Jet Processes at Lepton Colliders2021Rothe, VincentFulltext availableOpen Access
Vergleichende Analyse antiviraler Effekte verschiedener Interferone in HBV-infizierten human-chimären Mäusen2021Günther, Anna MariaFulltext availableOpen Access
Collagen Fiber Organization in Human Cortical Bone and Its Functional Relationship with Matrix Composition and Biomechanical Competence2021Stockhausen, Kilian EliaFulltext available
Targeting the EGF-receptor and the CD38/NADase in solid and hematological malignancies with nanobody-based heavy chain antibodies and AAV vectorsNov-2020Baum, NatalieFulltext availableOpen Access
Klinische Analysen zu den Auswirkungen einer vorherigen Leistenhernien-Operation auf den klinischen Verlauf einer nachfolgenden radikalen Prostatektomie bei Patienten mit Prostatakarzinom2021Golmohammadi, MaryamFulltext available
Estimators for temporal dependence of extremes2021Neblung, Sebastian A.Fulltext availableOpen Access
New Methods for the Analysis of Small-Angle Solution X-ray Scattering Data from Biomacromolecules2020Gao, YunyunFulltext availableOpen Access
Expression verschiedener Zelladhäsionsmoleküle im Endothel und Mesothel2021Kliege, Jamila Arianne MeretFulltext available
Ocurrence of Schistosomiasis in MadagascarJan-2021Stahlberg, KarlFulltext availableOpen Access
Bose-Einstein condensation in higher Bloch bands of the optical honeycomb lattice2021Klafka, TobiasFulltext available
Water management analysis in the Magdalena basin in ColombiaApr-2021Bolivar Lobato, Martha IsabelFulltext availableOpen Access
Homomorphism thresholds and embeddings of spanning subgraphs in dense graphs2020Ebsen, Oliver-AndreFulltext available
Investigations into Epoxide-modified Polyurethane-Polyisocyanurate Reaction Systems for Rigid Foam Applications2021Zhang, MengyuFulltext availableOpen Access
Loss of P3h2 gene causes thin basement membrane nephropathy in mice2020Aypek, HandeFulltext availableOpen Access
Molekulare und funktionale Analyse von Lysin-Motiv-Rezeptor-ähnlichen Kinasen in P. × canescens2021Deecke, KhiraFulltext availableOpen Access
Lattice Clock Experiments with Interacting Fermionic Quantum Gases2021Sponselee, Koen CornelisFulltext availableOpen Access
Extreme events: maintenance mechanisms and energetics2021Ma, QiyunFulltext availableOpen Access
Govindavilāsamahākāvya: Manuskripte, Text und Übersetzung2018Unterdörfler, Judith Antonia SwenjaFulltext availableOpen Access
Eomes+ NK-Zellen als bedeutende Lymphozytenpopulation des angeborenen Immunsystems im Dünndarm von Neugeborenen2020Sagebiel, Adrian FriedrichFulltext available
Electroweak Radiative Corrections and Effective Field Theories2021Assi, BenoîtFulltext availableOpen Access
Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 1581 to 1600 of 10689