Elektronische Dissertationen und Habilitationen
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 21 to 40 of 10936
Emotional dysregulation and problematic gaming in children and youth: A cross-sectional and longitudinal approach2024Schettler, Leonie MarieFulltext availableOpen Access
Properties and dynamics of excited charge carriers in colloidal nanocrystals studied via optical and terahertz pump-probe spectroscopy2024Stächelin, Yannic UweFulltext availableOpen Access
Privacy-aware Federated Learning for Accelerating Biomedical and Clinical Time-to-Event Analysis2024Späth, Julian AlexanderFulltext availableOpen Access
Konzept eines framebasierten Online-Lernerlexikons für das Sprachpaar Deutsch–Dari2022Aimaq, BelqisFulltext availableOpen Access
Nitroxyl-Donoren: PKGIα als neue therapeutische Zielstruktur2024Pflaumenbaum, JuliaFulltext availableOpen Access
Influence of collective effects on seeded FEL and mitigation strategies at FLASH2024Samoilenko, DmitriiFulltext availableOpen Access
Spin Dynamics and Manipulation of THz Generation2024Kueny, EliasFulltext availableOpen Access
The influence of social interaction on the development of deictic gestures in infancy2024Kaletsch, KatharinaFulltext availableOpen Access
Home, Where Healing is Complete: An Ethnography of Igbo Migrants in Germany and their Biomedical and Traditional Healing Experience2023Obi, Bernard NwabuezeFulltext availableOpen Access
Long term safety and efficacy data of phakic patients with treatment naïve diabetic macular edema treated with the Dexamethasone implant: A five year follow-up2022Bilgic, AlperFulltext availableOpen Access
Von Genotyp-Phänotyp-Korrelationen bei pädiatrischen Patienten mit dem Marfan-Syndrom. Bestimmt die spezifische Genvariante die Prognose des Marfan-Syndroms?2024Hensen, FlemmingFulltext availableOpen Access
Health Service Use of Migrants in Germany: Investigating the Influence of Migrant Generations, Country of Birth and Language Proficiency2024Wiessner, ChristianFulltext availableOpen Access
Dynamics and pressures in German North Sea fisheries: from identification to simulation2024Letschert, JonasFulltext availableOpen Access
A trace metal perspective on biogeochemical processes in the North Sea9-Jul-2024Siems, Anna TheresaFulltext available
Jüdische Tradition und Transformation. Eine Studie zur Orthodoxie am Beispiel der Jüdischen Gemeinde Lübeck 1848 - 19192023Garling, NadineFulltext availableOpen Access
The Legal Relationship between Present and Future Generations - An Intertemporal Perspective on Intergenerational Equity2022Bustami, AmmarFulltext availableOpen Access
Light-Mediated Liquid-Gas Reactions: Photooxidation and Photocarbonylation ChemistrySep-2024Stuhr, RobinFulltext available
Continuous Intracorneal Ring Implantation in Keratoconus: Efficacy and Complications, Machine-Learning for Surgical Decision Making and Impact on Vision-Related Quality of Life2022Thiwa, DavidFulltext availableOpen Access
Krankheitsmanifestationen von Patient:innen mit Mukopolysaccharidosen und deren Einfluss auf das Risiko für anästhesieassoziierte Komplikationen2023Lang, AnnikaFulltext availableOpen Access
Fehlende Beweise für akute HEV-Infektionen als sexuell übertragbare Krankheit: Daten aus einer deutschen Kohorte unter PrEP-Nutzern2024Seyfert, Rabea IsabelFulltext availableOpen Access
Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 21 to 40 of 10936