Elektronische Dissertationen und Habilitationen
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 61 to 80 of 10936
Die funktionelle Bedeutung von Desmocollin 2 für die Entstehung von Gehirnmetastasen beim Mammakarzinom2023Reimer, Judith Francesca SophieFulltext availableOpen Access
The Diachronic Development of the Dǝggʷā: A Study of Texts and Manuscripts of Selected Ethiopic Antiphon Collections2024Karlsson, JonasFulltext availableOpen Access
In-operando studies of piezoelectric HfZrO2 films on InAs nanowires2024Singh, ShwetaFulltext availableOpen Access
Multiscale Finite Element method application to Canopies in Earth System2024Patel, Heena KiritbhaiFulltext availableOpen Access
The Survival Politics of Three Tai Nüa Polities in the Upper Mekong Basin during the eighteenth and nineteenth Centuries: A Study of Relations between Mainland Southeast Asia and China2024Zhou, HanliFulltext availableOpen Access
Energy Transfer Between Chromophores Bound to Layered Silicate Surfaces2024Xiang, HongxiaoFulltext availableOpen Access
Characterization of L. infantum infection in hepatocyte organoid immune cell co-culturesApr-2024Lütkemeyer, Melanie KatjaFulltext availableOpen Access
Investigation of inorganic emissions from offshore wind structures and their potential impact on the marine environment2024Ebeling, AnnaFulltext availableOpen Access
Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in der Expression und Funktion von CD64 auf murinen Monozyten nach Vakzinierung16-Jul-2024Hansen, Charlotte SophieFulltext availableOpen Access
Catching Dark Photons in the Sky: Looking for light vector particles using satellites2024Frerick, JonasFulltext availableOpen Access
Die Totalsynthese von Brevipolid M2024Berl, Jelena KatharinaFulltext available
Vergleich einer neuen kathetergestützten Herzklappe mit etablierten Klappenmodellen zur Behandlung degenerierter biologischer Aortenklappenprothesen2023Nikolayevska, OlgaFulltext availableOpen Access
On the fate of Phytoplankton in the Elbe estuary: examining the community collapse from a Lagrangian perspective2024Steidle, LaurinFulltext availableOpen Access
Einfluss von Chlorid auf den Aldosteron-Mineralokortikoid-Signalweg2024Pham, HelenaFulltext availableOpen Access
Robust and trustworthy deep learning-based disease detection and risk assessment on MRI and histopathological images that exceeds predictive performance of human expertsMai-2024Westhäußer, FabianFulltext availableOpen Access
The Sensitivity of Dielectric Haloscopes to Dark Matter Axions and Dark Photons2024Egge, Jacob MathiasFulltext availableOpen Access
Fluctuation X-ray scattering for systems of particles obeying arbitrary orientational distributions: from theory to applications2024Berberich, Tim BenedictFulltext availableOpen Access
Entwicklung und Aufbau eines kontinuierlichen Flussreaktors zur Synthese katalytisch aktiver, platinbasierter Legierungs- und Kern/Schale-Nanopartikeln2024Woderich, SteffenFulltext availableOpen Access
Topology of magnetism and superconductivity in non-collinear spin textures31-Jul-2024Brüning, ReinerFulltext availableOpen Access
Crosstalk between Hepatocytes and CD4+ T cells in Autoimmune HepatitisMär-2024Niersch, JenniferFulltext availableOpen Access
Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 61 to 80 of 10936