Elektronische Dissertationen und Habilitationen
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 881 to 900 of 10679
The role of the guanine nucleotide exchange factors DOCK2 and DOCK5 in acute myeloid leukemia and their interactions with epigenetic regulation2022Attar, Mohammad NaderFulltext availableOpen Access
A cross-sectional survey study on the nutrition patterns of patients with peripheral artery disease in Germany2022Wolbert, LaraFulltext available
Borel chromatic numbers in models of set theory31-Aug-2022Fernandes Gaspar, MichelFulltext availableOpen Access
Strong electron phonon correlation in quasi one-dimensional crystals and the excitonic insulator candidate Ta2NiSe514-Sep-2022Windgätter, LukasFulltext availableOpen Access
Atrial Fibrillation Modelling and Targeted DNA Methylation Editing in Human Engineered Heart Tissue-Based Disease Models2022Pan, BangfenFulltext availableOpen Access
Development of Optics Measurement Methods for Circular Accelerators2022Wegscheider, AndreasFulltext availableOpen Access
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Y2O3:Eu Nanopartikeln als Phosphor für warmweiße LEDs2022Petry, Julian AndreasFulltext availableOpen Access
Untersuchung zur Aktivierung des Ionenkanals TRPM2 durch ADPR und ADPR-Derivate2022Riekehr, Winnie MariaFulltext availableOpen Access
Forschung aushandeln - Eine Beobachtungsstudie im Kontext von Hochschullehre nach dem Community-based Research-AnsatzJul-2022Heudorfer, AnnaFulltext availableOpen Access
Path spaces2022Heine, HendrikFulltext availableOpen Access
Think tanks and informal diplomacy in a world order in transition: an interpretative account of the "Forte de Copacabana" process in Brazil (2004-2018)2022Preusser de Mattos, FernandoFulltext availableOpen Access
Entwicklung eines geländeklimatologischen Monitoringsystems zur Erfassung aktueller und potentiell zukünftiger Implikationen von Klimavariabilität und Klimaschwankungen im mitteleuropäischen Raum2022Dietrich, HelgeFulltext availableOpen Access
Optimierung einer Operationsmethode zur intralaryngealen Platzierung von Verweil-Elektroden zur selektiven Stimulation der Stimmlippen-Adduktoren bei Patienten mit einseitiger Nervus laryngeus recurrens Parese2022Renz, Philip AlexeyFulltext availableOpen Access
Water-based Cryogenic Mass Spectrometry with Ultra-short Laser Pulses2022Krutilin, AndreyFulltext availableOpen Access
Functional characterization of phospholipases during blood stage development of Plasmodium falciparum2022Pietsch, Emma LuiseFulltext availableOpen Access
Theoretical and experimental investigation of nuclear spin dynamics in water and ammonia2022Yang, GuangFulltext availableOpen Access
Ultrafast molecular dynamics induced by few-femtosecond ultraviolet excitation2022Colaizzi, LorenzoFulltext availableOpen Access
Identification and functional characterization of the meiotic cyclins SOLO DANCERS 1 (SDS1) and SOLO DANCERS 2 (SDS2) in Zea mays L.2022Sanz Mora, ÓscarFulltext availableOpen Access
Charting Cosmological History and New Particle Physics with Primordial Gravitational Waves2022Simakachorn, PeeraFulltext availableOpen Access
Characterization of MERISTEM DEFECTIVE as a splicing factor involved in the DNA damage response in plants2022de Luxán Hernández, CloeFulltext availableOpen Access
Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 881 to 900 of 10679