Elektronische Dissertationen und Habilitationen
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 261 to 280 of 10674
Law Addressing Uncertainty in the 21st Century31-Jan-2024Hana, AlbanaFulltext available
Regulation von Expression und Aktivität der Arginase durch Pflanzenextrakte in humanen Endothelzellen unter experimenteller HyperglykämieJan-2024Stang, Heike MonikaFulltext availableOpen Access
Extensive Air Showers at Large Zenith Angles2023Baktash, AliFulltext availableOpen Access
Sustainable timber utilization and its contribution to economic value creation and carbon emission reduction in Suriname2023Matai, RewiechandFulltext availableOpen Access
Structural Analysis of Bunyavirus L-protein During Replication and Transcription2023Thorkelsson, SigurdurFulltext availableOpen Access
The Interplay of Personality and Social Interactions in Adolescence: Investigating The Role of Metaperceptions2023Bleckmann, EvaFulltext availableOpen Access
Nephrometry and Cumulative Morbidity After Partial Nephrectomy: a Standardized Assessment of Complications in the Context of R.E.N.A.L. and PADUA Scores2023Filipas, Dejan KamauFulltext availableOpen Access
Towards Flexible and Resilient Next Generation Time Sensitive Networks9-Okt-2023Sertbaş Bülbül, NurefşanFulltext availableOpen Access
Diffuse radio emission in merging galaxy clusters2023Jones, Alexander RichardFulltext availableOpen Access
Pathophysiologische Mechanismen der intraoperativen Hypotonie bei Patient:innen mit großer abdominal-chirurgischer Operation2023Timmermann, Lea MalinFulltext availableOpen Access
The human cytomegalovirus alkaline nuclease UL98 as a novel antiviral targetOkt-2023Zhang, TianyuFulltext available
Time-resolved studies of electron-phonon coupling in gold nanoparticles and nanoparticle assemblies2023Höing, DominikFulltext availableOpen Access
Kardiovaskuläres MRT zur Beurteilung kardialer Funktion und Volumina vor und nach der Implantation eines transjugulären intrahepatischen portosystemischen Shunts bei Patienten mit Leberzirrhose2023Klein, MalteFulltext availableOpen Access
Achtsamkeits-Apps, Authentizität und Branding – Eine religionswissenschaftliche AnalyseMär-2022Kastner, Benedikt JuliusFulltext available
Organic-solvent-free Fabrication of Ultrafiltration Membranes using Polymer Foaming and Extrusion2023Raje, Aniket AtulFulltext availableOpen Access
The Effect of the Galaxy Cluster Environment on Galaxies and AGN - A LOFAR Study2023Edler, Henrik WilhelmFulltext available
Risse im Raum: Entstehung und Verlust einer ‚Oper‘2022Dabic, JelenaFulltext available
Language policy and language attitude in the Pomak community in northeastern Greece26-Jan-2021Kara Osman, AylinFulltext availableOpen Access
Selection and characterization of kidney-specific vectors from random adeno-associated virus display peptide libraries2023Wu, GuochaoFulltext available
Centrosome-dependent microtubule stabilization and somatic F-actin translocation into neurites affect neuronal polarization2023Hong, ShuaiFulltext availableOpen Access
Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 261 to 280 of 10674